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The humorously colored Blue Devil comics are located

Published: Thursday 16 February, 2017

Blue Devil (Blue Devil / Devil in Blue) is the title of a series of comic books published by the American publisher DC Comics since 1984.

The humorously colored Blue Devil comics are located in the genre of superhelden comics, an American subform of science fiction / fantasy comics. Characteristic of the series was, in the past, the self-irrational, genreparodist approach to their theme, the "eternal struggle" of superheroes against supersurge Cosplay UK
. In the early 1980s, the series marked the attempt to "lighten" the American comics market, which was conceptually conspicuous to the contemporary comic strip of this time, grim n 'gritty Comics by presenting comedy stories in the "packaging" of a superhelden saga .

The first issue of Blue Devil was released in June 1984 as Issue # 1 of an unlimited-term series. After that, the series, which was published on a monthly basis, continued for almost two and a half years, until it was finally discontinued in December 1986 with issue # 31. In addition to this, a special volume with a double volume titled Blue Devil Annual # 1 was published in 1985 Game Jacket Cosplay
. In addition, a sixteen-page "test story" about Blue Devil, which preceded the launch of "his" own series, was published in the back of the book Fury of Firestorm #

The authors of the series were the authors Dan Mishkin and Gary Cohn, as well as the illustrator Paris Cullins, who not only developed the concept for Blue Devil, but also designed almost all the booklets of the series artistically.

The centerpiece of Blue Devil is Dan Cassidy, a Hollywood stuntman and expert on special effects, who by a coincidence is lined up with a resurrected demon named Nebiros Guilty Gear Cosplay
. Because at the time of his fight, he was wearing a horror film called "Blue Devil", a high-tech, film-based costume that depicts a blue-skinned devil, and is capable of firing superhuman power, resistance and the gift of energy , Cassidy can claim against Nebiros.